Rouxville Activities
SELECT categories.*
FROM categories, listings, category_to_listing , regions, towns, subregions
WHERE listings.published=1
AND listings.trashed IS NULL
AND ( category_to_listing.listing_id = listings.id
AND category_to_listing.category_id = categories.id
AND categories.top_section_id=4
AND regions.id = subregions.region_id
AND regions.friendly='freestate'
AND towns.friendly='rouxville'
AND subregions.id = towns.subregion_id
AND towns.id = listings.towns_id
GROUP BY categories.id
ORDER BY categories.id ASC
Sterkstroom, located between Rouxville and Aliwal North has a spectacular 18m long wall of Bushman rock paintings. Baboon, eland, elephant, hartebeest, monsters, spirit world beings and much more. The famous rain-animal of the Bushman chief Baartman. Look also for the smallest known painting of a bu...
Trapped between the Free State, Eastern Cape, and Transkei, and nestled between mountains, natural creeks, and the Orange River lies Breakaway Trails. Just 190km from Bloemfontein on the friendly N6 to Aliwal North.
Breakaway Trails offers the ideal getaway for the individual, family or group at ve...
showing 1 - 2 of 2 listings
1 ZAR (South African Rand) | = | EUR 0.09214 GBP 0.07884 JPY 9.77224 USD 0.12665
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